Greeting Jaguar Families!
We wanted to make sure that you are all getting the link to the the newest JA Cub Report:
We also wanted to make sure that you know that 7th & 8th MCA results should have come home with your student if they took the MCA tests here last year. If your student is a 6th grader they should be mailed home from their elementary school or they might be delivered to our school to be sent home with your student.
Next week is Mayo's homecoming week and we will be joining in with the fun with the dress up days.
Monday = Asleep vs. Athlete Day
Tuesday= Jersey vs. Jersey Shore Day
Wednesday= Class Color Day (8th= Pink, 7th=Blue, 6th=Green)
Thursday= Country vs. Country Club Day
JA/Mayo/JM School Spirit Day
On the announcements today our student's declared it to wear your Vikings or Packers clothes tomorrow!!
Have a great Friday & weekend!