There has been a lot going on the past couple school years at John Adams Middle School. Most of it revolving around building positive relationships with students, staff, and, families with the main idea of putting all students first. Rochester, MN is home to the World Renowned Mayo Clinic where their mission is to Put the Needs of the Patient First. Here at John Adams we do exactly that, but we substitute the word students for patients. We put the needs of the students first.
The John Adams Middle School counseling department nominated the administrative team of Principal Brant Goetz, Assistant Principal Patty Whalen, and Assistant Principal Isaac Matzek for the Southeast Minnesota School Counselor Association Administrators of the Year Award. This award is so meaningful to John Adams as it recognizes the work that is done on a day to day basis to put the needs of our students first. Focusing time, spaces, and resources on mental health, social emotional learning, calming areas, quiet spaces, and much much more. We believe that by putting proactive approaches in place, it will increase each and every students' school experience and ultimately increase student learning.
We could not be more proud of this recognition and we will continue to strive to focus on our students and all of our John Adams Middle School Family.